Green Pest Control

green pest control

Green pest control uses methods to eliminate infestations that are less hazardous to people, pets, plants, groundwater and air quality. Some companies even utilize natural products like pyrethrin derived from the chrysanthemum and tansy plant genus for this purpose.

Other companies employ integrated pest management (IPM), which entails inspection, identification and prevention; monitoring; exclusion practices; habitat modification; and limited treatment using low risk pesticides.

Environmentally Friendly

As more and more people seek out environmentally responsible lifestyles, they are opting for green pest control services. This service uses plant-based products instead of harsh chemicals which can harm both humans and pets – these safer solutions are much better for children, elderly or those with compromised immune systems as they don’t leave any residue that may linger in the lungs of these individuals which could potentially make them sicker over time.

While green pest control companies still employ pesticides, they do so with extreme care. Their goal is to first avoid infestation by improving sanitation and making physical modifications around a home or business – such as securing trash bins, water containers and food containers as well as sealing entry points.

Attempts at natural solutions have failed, so when these have not worked the pest technician may use chemical pesticides. Even in this instance, however, only low-risk options such as citric acid or vinegar or FIFRA exempt products that fall into category 25b will be utilized.

Some green pest control services go one step further by providing both natural and chemical solutions, including diatomaceous earth, botanical oils and boric acid alongside low-toxicity pesticides. While not a replacement for integrated pest management, this approach helps lessen its environmental impact.

When selecting a green pest control company, be sure that they employ integrated pest management as this service will not only eliminate existing pests but help stop future invasions from returning as well.

Searching for signs of an integrated pest management company on your property may reveal signs of insect traps and monitors designed to capture pests without harming them, providing information to pest control services about which methods are working and which ones need improvement.

Safe for Children and Pets

Many people strive to make their homes safer for children and animals, which can be seen by the rise in natural cleaning products, organic food options and eco-friendly habits. Many are also turning towards green pest control solutions as a means of eliminating and preventing infestations with traditional pesticides which have often proven hazardous for both people and animals alike – including breathing issues if inhaled directly through skin contact or eaten directly; green pest control methods offer safer solutions suited for both kids and pets alike.

Green pest control uses natural substances, like plant oils and essential oils, to repel and destroy pests. These non-chemical solutions are less odorous than their chemical counterparts and leave behind no residue, making green pest control better for both the environment and families with small children – something traditional pesticides cannot claim. Children have an affinity for putting everything they find into their mouths so it is vital that any dangerous substances stay out of reach of children or animals as much as possible; conventional pesticides may even cause poisonings or death!

Traditional pesticides may pollute the air, soil and water. This is particularly concerning for rural dwellers as the chemicals may be carried by wind to other regions where they could harm children, pets and livestock as well as harm ecosystems.

Green pest control services use only organic or natural products that are better for both kids and animals than chemical-laden products. Not only is organic control better for the planet, it is also safer.

If you are considering eco-friendly pest control, make sure to discuss it with the service team. They will gladly offer advice about how best to prepare your home and ensure the chemicals used won’t cause any disruptions with your family members.

If you would like more information about green pest control, feel free to get in touch with us! Our staff would be more than happy to discuss the benefits for your situation and create a plan tailored just to you.


Green pest control focuses on preventative measures while using only safe chemicals, and may include sticky traps, monitoring and inspection services, habitat modification techniques such as adding natural predators into an environment and integrated pest management practices to effectively control pest populations without resorting to harsh substances like harsh chemical sprays.

Pest problems in homes or offices can be highly unnerving for all involved, while also being damaging to buildings and their contents. Green pest control offers the safest approach, lessening odor and no room closure or the use of harsh chemicals in order to eradicate unwanted visitors.

Green pest control services often fall prey to the misconception that they only use organic products, when this isn’t always true. Sometimes green services still employ chemicals made from plant materials with reduced environmental impact; and, if necessary, using an environmental approved chemical may be required if other means fail in eliminating pests. In such instances, such products should only ever be used in small amounts so as not to affect anyone living or working within a building.

Pest infestations were once treated with chemical sprays that left harmful lingering effects, irritating respiratory systems inside buildings while leaving an unpleasant odor clinging to clothing, shoes and bedding. Now, however, there are more effective options available that do not pose such detrimental side-effects on health or the environment.

A great green pest control company will not only be capable of providing an array of environmentally-friendly services, but will also possess an in-depth knowledge about other practices that promote sustainability such as composting, recycling and water conservation – not to mention providing effective and safe green pest control services themselves! Furthermore, they should be able to explain how such practices could help make their services even more eco-friendly in future.


With growing environmental consciousness and awareness, more people are looking for ways to make their homes greener. This may involve recycling materials, using energy efficient lighting and appliances, or restricting chemical usage in their home. Thanks to low impact products available today, pest control is also becoming more eco-friendly.

Green pest control employs organic ingredients like essential oils, diatomaceous earth and chitosan powder to effectively prevent and treat pest infestations. They have proven just as effective – or more so! – than traditional chemical solutions while being nontoxic to children, pets and the environment.

Many homeowners discover they can manage pest problems on their own without professional services, using humane traps instead of poisons that may harm wildlife and pets to control rodent infestations; termite infestations can be avoided by sealing entry points and eliminating food and water sources; while taking steps such as caulking cracks and crevices to lessen attractiveness to pests are also effective measures.

Prevention is key when it comes to green pest control, but some species require more aggressive measures, such as insecticides. When necessary, eco-friendly products should only be applied sparingly and in smaller doses than their chemical counterparts to minimize any risks of harmful side effects and ensure faster results.

Green pest control services may also be more affordable, due to less product being required and reduced application frequency – helping lower maintenance costs while limiting your exposure to toxic substances.

Whenever seeking green pest control companies, be sure to get multiple estimates from different companies. According to a Checkbook poll of area consumers, pricing and customer service may vary significantly between companies. Furthermore, make sure they specialize in green pest control as they will have had extensive training and experience to know which products are safe for people, pets and the environment.