How Much Does an Ant Exterminator Cost?

Home remedies may work to combat small infestations of ants, while larger infestations require professional exterminators. Many offer package deals or recurring treatments which cost more up front but are more economical in the long run than onetime visits.

If you detect rustling sounds emanating from the walls, it may be time to contact an ant exterminator. Professional exterminators offer more effective treatments and will develop an individualized strategy tailored specifically to your home.


Ants are a common household pest, and while it’s possible to get rid of them on your own, for severe infestations it is recommended to seek professional exterminator services.…

Methods of Mice Control

Mice Control

Mice are an irritating nuisance to both homeowners and business owners alike. Not only do they spread diseases, but they’re known for damaging property as well as food sources.

Fortunately, there are several methods for controlling a mouse infestation. These include traps, baits and extermination.


The most traditional method for mouse control is traps. Snap traps are one of the most efficient rodent control solutions and can quickly catch and eliminate mice or rats from a home environment.

They are often placed in areas where rodents live, travel and feed – such as baseboards, corners or near holes/cracks where rodents have been observed entering or exiting.…

What Does an Animal Control Job Entail?

The job of an Animal Control Officer is not for everyone. You’ll have to deal with animals’ welfare, and you should also be emotionally stable and confident. An important aspect of this job is assisting with the euthanasia of unwanted animals, which can be a very difficult task. The job is often stressful, and requires a lot of emotional commitment. Nonetheless, it’s a rewarding field with plenty of opportunities.

Animal Control

The animal control officer supervises an assistant. The officers investigate alleged animal abuse and neglect and interview anyone who has contact with the animals.…