Cluster Fly Exterminating

Cluster Fly Exterminating

Cluster flies can be an incredibly frustrating nuisance, not to mention potential health threats.

Cluster flies are slow moving insects that usually hibernate during the winter months in wall voids or attics before emerging again in spring to seek warmer places for shelter.

Mechanical Exclusion

Cluster flies (Pollenia rudis) are large black flies found in homes from late fall through early spring. Although genetically related to bottle or blow flies, cluster flies do not bite humans like their relatives do.

Cluster flies tend to look for shelter from the elements during autumn.…

DIY Guide For Paper Wasp Extermination

The most effective way to get rid of paper wasps is to hire a professional paper wasp exterminator to get rid of the nest and kill the paper wasps. While this method will certainly eliminate paper wasps from your property, it will not prevent them from returning. The good news is that paper wasps are not difficult to exterminate and they do not breed. However, it is important to remember that paper wasps are a dangerous pest and removing a paper wasp nest will not guarantee the removal of the nest.…