Earwig Control – How to Eliminate Earwigs From Your Home

Earwig Control

If you are struggling with earwig infestations, you should consider hiring a pest control professional to eradicate the problem. While DIY methods may seem effective at first, they are not an effective way to get rid of earwigs completely. Hiring a professional can help you to get rid of your earwig problem, since they are well versed in earwig prevention and control tactics. They are also equipped to provide you with expert assistance if you are unsure of how to eliminate earwigs from your home.

Unlike other pests, earwigs don’t live in colonies. They are individual insects with no queen or nest. Infestations usually originate from their living environment, which is outdoors. They prefer areas of shade, such as wood piles or leaf piles. To determine if you have earwigs in your home, you need to know the type of insects causing the infestation. You can also learn more about these pests by conducting a night scouting.

To remove earwigs from your home, vacuum your floors and vacuum your home. You may also need to seal up the openings where earwigs enter your home. If they get in through windows, doors, or drain pipes, you can use sealant around them. You can also use steel wool to seal up weep holes in walls and windows. However, keep in mind that steel wool can rust on light-colored facades.

To eliminate earwig infestations, it is important to get rid of these critters as soon as possible. You can use earwig poison or dust to eliminate current infestations and prevent reinfestations. You can also install a pest repellent that will help repel the insects once you’ve applied earwig poison or dust. Ultimately, these products can only prevent reinfestation if you take the right precautions.

One of the easiest ways to prevent earwigs from entering your home is to use a perimeter treatment. The perimeter treatment should include flower beds and subfloor crawl spaces. Several types of insecticides are available on the market, but they should be applied in the morning or in the evening when the earwigs are most active. You can also use insecticidal soaps to repel earwigs in a safe and effective manner. If you choose to go the DIY route, you can also try using permethrin or other insecticides. Adding mulch or fake turf to your garden can also provide a barrier to earwigs.

If you can’t stand touching earwigs, you can also try removing them using specialised earwig control treatments. Alternatively, you can knock them into a can of oil, using your fingertips. If you don’t like touching the insects, wear gloves and use a flashlight to find them. If they’re hiding on the underside or top of a leaf, then squash them with your fingers. They won’t run away until they feel a movement in the leaf or stem. Once removed, they will fall to the soil.

Diatomaceous earth is another natural insecticide you can use to prevent earwig infestation. Diatomaceous earth is the powdered remains of fossilized diatoms. Diatomaceous earth works by penetrating the creature’s skin and dehydrating it, killing the insect. However, this method is not recommended for use around blooms or on plants containing beneficial insects. You can try a mixture of the two.

You can also make earwig traps. You can fill a cat food can with a little fish oil, vegetable oil, or soy sauce and then place it on the ground near your plants. Be sure to remove any earwigs you may have captured with the help of the trap. Additionally, you can use a mixture of boric acid and diatomaceous earth to trap earwigs. But be sure to keep the earwigs away from children and pets while using these methods.

Using repellents will also help prevent earwig infestations. While earwigs are beneficial for the garden as they feed on aphids, they can also infest your home. The first step is to identify where the infestation is coming from and to eliminate the sources of food and hiding places. Raking up leaves and removing dead branches will reduce earwig populations. Also, remove wood piles near your house or garden to avoid their entrance. Finally, clear your gutters of dead leaves and debris.

Although earwigs do not carry venom or stingers, they can still be dangerous to people. Their pincers may sting you in self-defense and may pierce your skin. If you find an earwig on your skin, make sure to wash the affected area immediately. If the earwigs have bitten you, apply an antibiotic cream to the affected area. If you do not feel comfortable doing so, you should call a pest control service.