Wasp Exterminating – Why It’s Best to Leave It to the Professionals

Paper wasps are generally gentler and less aggressive than their yellow jacket and hornet counterparts, though if their nest is threatened they may sting to defend it. To reduce your risk of being stung it’s wise to have your pest control company treat the nest on your behalf.

Professionals can quickly use Stryker wasp and hornet killer to quickly dismantle an active wasp or hornet nest, or can spray Sylo around your home to create a preventative barrier to reduce future incidents.

Identifying a Nest

At first glance, it can be difficult to differentiate a nest built by Paper Wasps from Yellow Jackets; their nest building habits are similar. But closer inspection may give an indication – flat or umbrella-shaped nests belonging to Paper Wasps differ from round, ball-like ones built by Yellow Jackets.

Face color provides another useful identifier across most species; males typically have yellow faces while females usually sport red ones.

As soon as a queen emerges from its overwintering shelter in springtime, she begins creating grey papery honeycomb cells underneath eaves, window sills, door frames, garages and open barns (Figure 2).

Paper Wasp Nest Removal The ideal time and method of treatment is early spring or fall when their colony has not expanded significantly. When extracting it it is vital that proper protective gear such as gloves, long sleeves, pants and face covering (either bandana or hat) be worn in order to minimize chances of getting stung from residual wasps still inside the nest.

Physical Removal

Paper wasps have barbed stingers that can deliver multiple stings at once, so if their nest is threatened they will defend it aggressively and use alarm pheromones to communicate with other members of their colony about any threats that arise – this may prompt other wasps to join in defending it, leading to even more aggressive behavior from all of its members.

Paper wasps tend to build their nests in exposed locations, unlike yellow jacket and hornet nests that tend to be dug into the soil. Therefore, these nests can often be removed quickly and easily.

Physical removal of paper wasp nests is often possible without wearing full personal protective equipment (PPE), particularly during spring and early summer. However, to increase protection it is advisable to cover their face, ears, nose, hands and feet as much as possible in order to lessen the chance of getting stung by stray wasps – this is especially important for households where members have allergies to wasp venom.

Chemical Treatment

Homeowners may opt to apply chemical treatments on Paper Wasp nests in order to kill their inhabitants and destroy their nest. Wear protective clothing when spraying nests as the wasps will defend their home with aggressive defense by stinging anyone who comes too close. It’s essential that any pest control product labeled for wasp control also adhere to all instructions listed on its label for best results.

Over-the-counter wasp sprays are most effective when used directly against an open comb of a Paper Wasp nest. These products work best when applied outside, such as around window and door frames, eaves, soffits and rain gutters. When treating species that nest in void spaces instead, residual insecticides such as Stryker Wasp and Hornet Killer dust or liquid products like Sylo Insecticide should be applied directly onto each nest’s open comb to create a barrier against new colonies from forming; treatments will also quickly eliminate overwintering queens who search out new colonies from which to start new colonies elsewhere.

Contacting a Pest Control Company

As is the case with any stinging insect, professional exterminators are best equipped to handle wasp removal. They have access to equipment designed specifically to reach difficult-to-reach spots and use professional-grade pesticides which they know how to safely apply. In addition, these professionals are trained in distinguishing between paper wasp nests and yellow jacket/hornet nests.

If you discover a paper wasp nest on your property, contact Rentokil Technicians immediately. They can help identify and treat it with the necessary pesticide before it reaches quarter size so that all adults are killed off.

Prior to treating, always wear personal protective equipment such as a hat and face covering, long sleeves and pants, thick gloves and safety glasses in order to minimize your chances of getting stung by wasps released during treatment. Also ensure children and pets remain indoors during and immediately after application of any form of control measures.